Colby is the sweetest girl once she comes out of her shell. 3 years old and 20 lbs. She is scared of her own shadow and is slow to trust. She loves to snuggle under the blanket and give kisses. She is coming out of her shell more each day and is starting to play more. She does well with other dogs. Would be best with one other dog in home as she depends a lot on the other dogs(s) for social cues. Would not recommend children not due to aggression but her timid ness. She Barely ate at all the first week she was here. She is finally accepting small treats happily. She sleeps on the couch with foster dad every night but prefers females at first meet.
she stays out all the time without a crate and does well. She is potty trained but has occasional accidents but leaves the potty pad foster mom leaves out. No cats as they terrify her
she really needs a home. She has love to give but poor thing can’t seem to find someone with the patients to allow her time to give it.