Dunkin is a really good dog. He is super playful and LOVES to play fetch, especially with squeaky toys. He will play fetch indoors or outside. He’s good on and off leash, he just needs a little patience when on leash. He’s great with cats and likes to play with them, no aggression ever.
He does not like to be brushed and will try to get away.
He is fully crate-trained and will not mess in his crate. His command is “Go Home” to go inside his crate. He goes directly in, without any protest. He is used to sleeping in there at night and will go there on his own to law down or eat treats sometimes.
He free feeds, since that has been found to work best for him, as he will not just eat, when food is placed. He is not food motivated at all.
I have not had him around any other dogs, but I expect he will get along just fine, if they are playful.
He is somewhat house trained and knows he is supposed to go outside to use the bathroom, but if no one is around, he will go on the hardwood floor by the back door. He will not bark or let you know if he needs to go outside. When first taken outside, he will go pee immediately. He will then try to come back inside. He is lying, do not listen. Stay outside with him and tell him to go poop. He will soon go find a place and do his business. Then he will come back to come inside. If you don’t make him go poop, he will come back inside and leave you a present by the door.
He will chew anything that is small and hard plastic that he can get access to. He LOVES to chew on empty water bottles.
He will eat cat food if it’s accessible. The same goes for litter boxes.
He will dig small holes, but has never tried to dig out of the fence. He will bark at anyone that he can see outside of the yard.